Waiting....waiting...waiting. It's all in the wait for some plywood to come my way. The expansion is stalled for a while, until something comes through. There's a couple if leads out there, and now I have to be patient to see if they work out. Until then I'm still slowly cleaning out. This last week saw a trailer load of junk go to the dump, an old TV go to someone who could use it, and the preliminary assessment on a couple of old mowers hanging out in the yard. One has a rotten deck, but runs good, and luckily the other had a good deck, and a motor with a LOT of rod knock. The two shall become one, and then become some funding for Stray Cat.
My Diagnosis? You need a new fuel pump! or five... |
The First automotive project of the season was a Birthday present for My brother John. Plugs and wires in his Olds Minivan. A basic job, but a good start to a hopefully busy season. Coming up I need to renew my ASE cert, and the end of the semester means summer vacation from my teaching job at the college. Also my buddy keeps talking about opening a shop. That may mean some freelance diagnostic work for me as I'm his electric guy. It's all good. I like doing diag, and I haven't had much of a chance for a long time.
Other projects, like the home foundry, the motorized bicycle, and the VW have been waiting for warm enough temps to let paint dry, and cement set up, and the like. Not to mention I'm still on 10 hour days, and that makes it tough to have enough motivation to do much of anything after work.
Totally random pic of the Blues band that plays every year
at the Watkins Glen Vintage festival. Yes! On the roof!
By the way, Maria's sells killer Italian Sausages during the event! |
So for something of interest, I'm passing on a link to a museum In Allentown P.A. that a friend of mine, Dave Reese, is involved with. It's a really neat place called
America On Wheels Click on the name to follow the rabbit hole to the museum's website with all kinds of cool pics of cool things. I gotta visit someday!